I was amazed to discover today that Polaroid were due to finally release their new film for both the old SX-70 and One series cameras, on the 25th March...today! Being the owner of a one series and having only 4 Polaroids left to my name, for a good 5 minutes i was very excited about finally getting my hands on some new film. Until i found out the release of film for Polaroid One has been delayed. Boo.
In an attempt to reinvent myself, i had all my long blonde hair chopped off. I miss it terribly, i think sometimes i hope that if i change my appearance i may change my perspective, offering fresh ideas, and artistic inspiration.
we'll see.
My work centered around dreams has led me to Gregory Crewdson.
The images depict a surreal american suburbia in which the ordinary twists, and forms images you would fail to imagine.
I particularly like the last photographs which is very Ophelia (Hamlet), the drowned living room -so still the water appears mirror like. I really like the colours used, to emphasise the familiarity yet the darkness which is evident.
Currently feeling a little depressive about my lack of hair, this is severe vanity maybe it's a good thing its gone!