Friday, 19 February 2010

the sea is a good place to think of the future;

as is trains, as wednesday on my way up to London, i spent majority of the journey mounting photographs onto A1 sheets for the last three pages of my portfolio, for Slade University. Definitely intimidated stuff giving it in, hand in at 9:45 pick up at 4:45, nothing said about it, no feedback. Just a case of waiting now. I'm trying to be pessimistic, if i don't expect to get an interview i won't be heartbroken when i don't. Logic?

this was a draft from friday, a week later ucas tells me my slade application was unsuccessful. and im a little more heart broken than i would like to of been. this might call for some ben and jerry's.

i really want to go to the sea actually, i want to stare into the infinity that it stretches into. suppose i'm being pretty contemplative after that lovely moment of rejection. if i don't get into somewhere i really want to go i actually might go and study art in paris for a while. escape from everything, tbh i feel like getting on a plane now just so i can wake up somewhere new.

this little fawn is a kiki smith. i might do a little be of drawing tonight, it always calms me down. 

as is this anatomy print, really liking her work recently.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

j'suis la pour ca.

pense a moi la prochaine fois que
tu entendra la rumeur des vagues
et si elles te disent que tu m’as fait
que du mal, t’en fais pas
j’suis la pour ca
la mer connait pas le fil du temps
qui nous rapproche et nous separe
vive la maree haute et vive la basse
mais surtout vive la difference
j’suis la pour ca
laisse couler le bateau
oublie tes moeurs
laisse-toi aller et n’ai pas peur
les mecs c’est des salauds
mais peut-etre pas tous
remplis ton verre et a nos amours
j’suis la pour ca 

-nada surf. a beautifully haunting song about a girl believing rumours that the sea whispers. " you only did him harm" the sea grumbles to her. he tells her not to listen. j'suis la pour ca. he is here for that. 

 definitely have a listen.  

lack of blogging recently due to a surge of fear that portfolio deadlines have brought me. it is an understatement to say i'm scared. 

in the middle of compiling pictures of some of my work.
this is a piece i produced at the beginning of my foundation, in a workshop. 
just thought you might be interested. i've gotten quite into book art at the moment, i'm doing another piece which is made out of a medical book, in which i have expanded on the earlier theme of the human condition and anatomy. I'll hopefully get some pictures of this up later.

i've had a quick look through some other sites for artists who work from books. these are the most interesting.

the alice in wonderland one is beautiful, please check it out on a bigger scale!